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Avocado Glow 200ml


Avocado Glow

Awesome bronze and a superhealthy juicy fruity glow!

Avocados have become one of the most popular health foods on the planet. And rightly so! This superfruit is known to be extremely healthy and nourishing  for our insides. But oh yes, does it nourish our outsides too! Hardly anything more moisturizing than avocado oil. Skin well nourished and well moisturized will tan faster and deeper.

Meer informatie
Merk Tahnee
Product type Lichaamsverzorging
Kenmerken Versneller, Natuurlijke bronzer, Cosmetische Bronzer, DHA-Bronzer, Deodoriserend, Droge huid
Levertijd 1-3 dagen
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